Sunday 11 November 2012

Tujuh hal yang perlu dipertimbangkan ketika membeli asuransi jiwa

Tujuh hal yang perlu dipertimbangkan ketika membeli asuransi jiwa. Aku hadir untuk Anda daftar tujuh poin penting untuk dipertimbangkan saat memutuskan asuransi jiwa. Untuk mencoba untuk membuat Commonwealth Life Perusahaan Asuransi Jiwa Terbaik Indonesia Anda bagian dengan uang Anda, beberapa broker yang tidak bermoral mencoba untuk mendapatkan untuk memperoleh tambahan atau kebijakan baru yang memberikan penghasilan tambahan. Mengganti sering masuk akal, karena biaya jangka panjang telah jatuh di seluruh papan dalam beberapa tahun terakhir. Jika Anda memiliki seluruh kehidupan atau skema universal, hati-hati jika Anda mempertimbangkan membatalkan. Dengan harga yang menguntungkan di mana untuk membeli program, kebijakan tersebut memiliki biaya pengiriman yang besar.

Tidak ada asuransi jiwa kesehatan berencana sering memiliki premi yang lebih tinggi, tetapi jumlah yang lebih rendah menghadapi Commonwealth Life Perusahaan Asuransi Jiwa Terbaik Indonesia kehidupan standar asuransi. Rencana tersebut biasanya terbatas dan hanya membayar setara dengan jumlah yang dibayarkan, ditambah bunga, jika ditebus selama dua tahun pertama. Jika Anda memiliki masalah kesehatan yang serius setelah rencana tersebut mungkin bentuk terbaik dari pembelian.

Hindari kematian karena kecelakaan. Banyak perusahaan asuransi jiwa asuransi sangat mempromosikan asuransi kematian Kanada kecelakaan kepada konsumen tidak curiga. Kematian karena kecelakaan ini sangat menguntungkan bagi perusahaan asuransi karena kurang dari 3% dari seluruh klaim asuransi jiwa dibayar karena kematian oleh kecelakaan. Kebijakan jangka panjang yang sesuai seringkali tidak lebih mahal daripada rencana kematian karena kecelakaan untuk dijual.

Waspadalah terhadap agen yang hanya diperbolehkan untuk menjual produk di perusahaan mereka sendiri: agen captive panggilan. Perusahaan yang mempekerjakan agen independen sering biaya harga yang lebih rendah daripada perusahaan yang mempekerjakan agen tawanan. Tidak mampu untuk berbelanja, agen captive hampir tidak pernah menemukan sistem yang terbaik sesuai dengan kebutuhan anda dan dengan harga terbaik.

Friday 19 March 2010

About Internet Marketing Promotion Experts Who Provide your Internet Marketing Solution

If you are looking for internet marketing solution to increase traffic to your site directly, you need expert help internet marketing campaign. They are equipped with the knowledge and proper training when it comes to making your website one of the most visited. If you have your own online business, you can take advice from the professionals for you to increase your business sales. If you have a site to provide information to readers online that developed, these experts will provide internet marketing solutions that enable you to rank on the first page of search engines.

Thursday 22 October 2009

Single-Payment Lease

A prepaid lease is a new type of lease which has made its foray into the market in recent times. In this lease, consumers forego the cycle of lease payments if they make a large payment at the beginning of the lease.

There are two amounts in a conventional lease that incur charges and determine your monthly lease payments. First, there is a depreciation charge which accounts for the value the car loses during the lease term. Second is a residual amount which is the projected value of the vehicle at the end of the lease. The sum of these two charges gives the monthly payments on your lease.The idea behind a pre-paid lease is to eliminate the finance charges for depreciation and only account for residual value charges in a single, pre-paid payment at the beginning of the lease.

Single-payment leases are devised with spendthrifts in mind: no cycle of monthly payments, a new car every two to three years and no interest in purchasing the vehicle at the end of the lease. You should only consider this type of lease if you are concerned about not being able to make monthly payments and have a lot of cash upfront.

Luxury Cars and Resale Values

When it comes to ultra-luxury, high-end vehicle leasing, there is no doubt that the best deals are those cars that hold their value. With this in mind, we single out a few truths about residual values that consistently apply to high-end leasing.

The most determining factor when it comes to resale values is public perception of the brand, not its reliability ratings in quality surveys. Take the Jaguar for example: it is consistently rated as a quality car, but because of questionable reliability perception among the public, it takes a sharp dip in value at the end of its lease-term

Higher-tech options and other cutting-edge features do not necessarily mean the car will fare better.  By the time your car is two years old, better and cheaper systems will render the laser-guided cruise control, navigation systems and built-in cell phone obsolete. Look for functional features, such as automatic transmissions, power windows and wheel-drive to enhance the vehicle’s value in the used-car market.

Used-car buyers view less favorably luxury vehicles that come with big incentives. These are perceived as questionable in quality and reliability.

Leasing with bad credit

Have you been refused a car lease? Chances are you have less flawed credit history. Know what’s involved and what you can do to build good credit history.

Credit score is a measure of your credit worthiness used by leasing agents to determine whether you are eligible for a lease. You credit score is based on your past and present credit history, and can range anywhere from 350 to 850. A measure above 720 is considered a “prime score” and will land you the best rates. If you are below 640, then you are “sub-prime” and will be considered bad rating by the bulk of leasing agents. This is where all the trouble in getting that lease comes from.

Ask for your FICO Credit Score from the Fair Isaac Corporation (FICO) which details your credit score held by all three leading credit score agencies in the country. Compare the three credit scores and determine if
any agency is holding erroneous credit data about you. Contact the reporting agency and getting corrected. If there are no mistakes in your credit report, then you can take some steps to maximise your score to go above the threshold of 640. Pay your bills on time and pay down any credit card debts you have. Do not take any new accounts as this might increase the likelihood of you getting into bad credit thus worsening your credit score.

Leasing used cars explained

Leasing a used vehicle can be an attractive deal in many ways, no least getting you into that luxury model or SUV, for lower monthly payments than a brand new one. Be prepared, however, to do some more homework to dissect a good deal.

As with new car-leasing, your price research should focus on the key figures that are the initial market value and the estimated residual value of the used car. This is harder to predict since there is no factory-set sticker price on used cars, and the residual percentage is very much pegged to a subjective current retail value. Use different sources to get a rough idea of the value of the used car: your local dealerships, internet car-evaluating tools, such as and, to name but a few. Another way to pin down a good estimate is to compare the lease on your given car to a lease on a new-car with the same make and model. This should give you a better picture of the difference between leasing new and going for used. Just like leasing a new car, used vehicle leasing is more attractive when residual values depreciate the least. You stand a better chance of finding a bargain in the high-end, luxury vehicles that keep their values better as used cars.

Next, you need to check the initial mileage and the overall vehicle condition. The maximum mileage on a used car should be no more than 12,000 miles a year. A 3-years old car with 50,000 miles on the clock is very unlikely to make a good used-vehicle lease. Check for signs of excessive use, like worn seat fabric, worn pedal pads and dirty engine, which might indicate that the odometer has been rolled back. If the car is not certified, you need to get it thoroughly inspected. Ask your dealer for a manufacturer-sponsored certification program or have your car certified by a qualified mechanic or inspection service.

Most used-car deals don’t come with gap coverage. This is a special type of coverage, normally offered on a new auto-lease, to cover the consumer if the leased vehicle is lost, stolen or damaged. Typically, auto-insurance policies cover only what your car is worth at the time of loss, not what you still owe on the lease. The difference could run into thousands of dollars. For peace of mind, do not enter into any used-car lease without gap-coverage. Arrange it separately with either the lease dealer or your auto-insurance company.

Leasing Glossary

In order to get a good leasing deal, you need to understand leasing jargon. Read through this leasing glossary to get an overview of the basics:

Acquisition fee: A fee charged by a leasing company to begin a lease. Not all leasing companies charge an acquisition fee but if charge it starts at about $300 and is seldom negotiable.

Capitalised cost: The total selling price of the leased vehicle This also accounts for taxes, title, license fees, acquisition fee and any optional insurance and warranty items you elect to fold into the lease and pay overtime rather  than upfront.

Depreciation fee:
Forms part of the monthly lease payment charge and accounts for the loss in the value of the car at the end of the lease. The vehicle’s list price minus the expected residual value at lease end is divided by the number of months in the lease to give the depreciation fee. Suppose you decide to lease a vehicle with a retail price of $23,500. The leasing company estimates that after a three year lease, the vehicle will be worth 35% of its original retail value, or $8,225. The difference, $15,275, divided by the number of months in the lease, 36 months, gives us the depreciation fee ($424)

GAP insurance Pays off the lease balanced if the vehicle is wrecked, stolen or totalled.

Inception fees any fees that are due at the beginning of a lease. These typically include a security deposit, acquisition fee, first monthly payment, taxes and title fees.

Mileage allowance The maximum number of miles a leased vehicle can be driven a year without incurring an excess mileage penalty. A typical mileage allowance is 12,000 to 15,000 miles a year, although this is negotiable with your leasing company.

Mileage charges a penalty that you incur if you exceed your mileage allowance on a leased vehicle. Typical mileage charges are 10 to 20 cents per excess mile.

Money-factor A fractional number, such as 0.00043, used in calculating your monthly lease payments. You can get a rough estimate of the annual percentage rate on your lease by multiplying the money factor by 2,400. If a dealer quotes a money factor such as 3.4 than you can get the equivalent APR, 8.16, if you multiply by 2.4.

Residual value Residual value is the amount of money the leasing company says your leased vehicle will be worth when your lease ends. Higher residual values lead to lower monthly payments but higher lease-end purchase cost if you decide to keep the vehicle.

Security deposits an up-front amount that your leasing company required at the beginning of a lease to safeguard against non-payment. This is generally refundable at the end of your lease. Termination or Disposition fee The amount you have to pay the leasing company at the end of your lease if you decide not to purchase the vehicle.

Wear-and-tear charges Extra charges you have to pay at the end of your lease for any wear and use the leasing company considers above normal.